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SELECTBIO Conferences Biomarkers 2014

Sabine Bahn's Biography

Sabine Bahn, Professor

Dr. Sabine Bahn, MD, PhD, MRCPsych, serves as Practicing Psychiatrist and group leader of a molecular neuropsychiatry research group at Institute of Biotechnology. Dr. Bahn co founded Psynova Neurotech Limited (formerly Psynova Ltd.) in 2005 and plays a substantial role in the funding, operations and future strategy. She is a leading research scientist. She established the Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research, which has conducted comprehensive functional genomics studies on psychiatric disorders. Dr. Bahn serves as Director of Psynova Neurotech Limited. She serves as a Member of Clinical Advisory Board at Rules-Based Medicine, Inc. She serves on the editorial boards of Frontiers in Neuroenergetics and Clinical Schizophrenia and related Psychoses. She has been awarded numerous grants, including from the Stanley Medical Research Institute, and has had numerous peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Bahn studied MD from the University of Freiburg, Germany and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge for work on the cytotoxic effects of an antiepileptic drug on hippocampal neurons. The subject of her PhD (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge) was an investigation of the mechanisms.

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