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SELECTBIO Conferences Biofabrication & Biomanufacturing Europe 2019

Amir A Zadpoor's Biography

Amir A Zadpoor, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Distinguished Professor, Chaired Professor of Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanics, Delft University of Technology (TUDelft)

Amir Zadpoor is Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Distinguished Professor, the Chaired Professor of Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanics, and the founding director of the Additive Manufacturing Laboratory at Delft University of Technology. Prior to that, he was Associate and Assistant Professor at the same university where he also obtained his PhD (cum laude) at the interface of materials science and mechanics of materials. He specializes in development of advanced additive manufacturing techniques for fabrication of metamaterials with unprecedented or rare mechanical, physical, or biological properties. Moreover, he is a world recognized expert in origami and kirigami-based (bio)materials that are made by combining shape-shifting (e.g. self-folding) with additive manufacturing. Prof. Zadpoor has received many awards including an ERC grant, a Vidi personal grant, a Veni personal grant, the Jean Leray scientific achievement award of the European Society of Biomaterials, and the Early Career Award of the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. He has served on the editorial boards of international journals, on the review panels of funding agencies, and as a member of award committees.

Amir A Zadpoor Image


Thursday, 20 June 2019 at 09:30

Add to Calendar ▼2019-06-20 09:30:002019-06-20 10:30:00Europe/LondonMeta-BiomaterialsBiofabrication and Biomanufacturing Europe 2019 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The

Metamaterials have emerged as promising candidates for creating advanced functionalities thorough adjustment of their mechanical, electromagnetic, or acoustic properties. The properties and, thus, functionalities of metamaterials are direct consequences of their small-scale architecture. Given the fact that design of arbitrarily complex micro-architectures is crucial for creating properties and functionalities, the advances made in additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques are of particular relevance to the design and manufacturing of metamaterials. For biomedical applications, this creates a great opportunity to develop porous biomaterials with unprecedented combinations of mechanical, mass transport (permeability, diffusivity), and biological properties. Additively manufactured porous biomaterials are, however, very limited in terms of the surface access they allow, meaning that surface-related functionalities cannot be easily added to such biomaterials. Starting from a flat shape and folding the porous biomaterials up using origami techniques is a solution that allows for fabrication of porous biomaterials that combine properties originating from their 3D porous structure with those stemming from surface features (e.g. surface nanopatterns). In this talk, I will present an overview of the research carried out in my lab that has led to introducing the concept of meta-biomaterials and will discuss how meta-biomaterials could be used to improve bone tissue regeneration and prevent biomaterials-associated infections.

Add to Calendar ▼2019-06-20 00:00:002019-06-21 00:00:00Europe/LondonBiofabrication and Biomanufacturing Europe 2019Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing Europe 2019 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The